Call of Duty: Mobile Clan/Squads in Nigeria
Call of Duty: Mobile is one of the top 3 most played video game in Nigeria and for that it is one of the major input of E-Sports gaming in Nigeria. The is the List of every Active and Known Call of Duty: Mobile Team in Nigeria. NB: The List is done alphabetically and not in order of ranking or performance. List of Call of Duty: Mobile Teams in Nigeria BLOODY VETERANS -BV BREACHERS - BR CORRUPT VORTEX - CV DARKVENZ - DV ELYTE GAMERS - EG GAMERS OF GLORY - GOG HOUSE OF ANUBIS - AOH MOB - MOB ORIGINAL GANGSTERS - OG OVER POWERED - OP PYSCHO AGENTS - PSA SAINTS - ST SIDIZENS - SDZ SICARIO AGENTS - SCA SKENGG - SK SKIRMISH - SKM SLIME ORDER - S乄Ø SNOW WOLVES - SW TEAM COLD - TC TITAN - TN WAKANDANS - WKD XFORCE - XF ZERO REMORSE - ZERO Now we know all ...